Friday, 31 December 2010


Tidak terasa kita telah berada dipenghujung tahun 2010. Tahun baru 2011 tinggal hitungan detik. Semua orang menyambutnya dengan sejuta kegembiraan. Banyak yang dilakukan orang untuk menyambut tahun baru. Ada yang berbondong ke suatu tempat dan berkumpul disana menunggu pergantian tahun tiba. Setelah yang ditunggu tiba, bunyi terompet akan terdenger tanpa henti. 

Di tahun lalu pasti terjadi sebuah kejadian yang di inginkan dan bahkan mungkin yang tidak diinginkanpun ikut terjadi pula. Semua orang berharap di tahun 2011 ini jauh lebih baik dari tahun 2010. Dari segi keuangan, karier dan asmara menginginkan yang lebih baik termasuk saya pribadi.

Puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kita umur panjang sehingga kita bisa menikmati tahun baru 2011 ini. Semoga doa kita semua di kabulkan oleh Allah SWT. Amieenn ....
Saya Taufiqur Rohman selaku pemilik blog ini ingin mengucapkan SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2011. Semoga kita semua sukses di tahun 2011.

Terima Kasih

Lihat Kartu Ucapan Lainnya
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Saturday, 25 December 2010

USB Flash Drive

USB flash drive or any other flash memory drive is basically an EEPROM that means "Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory". USB flash memory sticks are nothing but an assembly of EEPROM, a controller with a RISC microprocessor, RAM and ROM. All of this interacts with a computer using a USB controller and connector.

Because USB sticks are EEPROM these can hold data for as long as 10 years. As these memory modules are shock proof and as these don't have a volatile memory are good enough to sustain shock and humidity to some extend that is casual abuse that includes run through a washing machine, or even dropped in coffee.
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Friday, 24 December 2010

5 Steps to Securing Your Windows XP Home Computer

Most people are aware that there are continuous security issues with Microsoft's Windows operating system and other programs. However, what most people do not realize is how easy it is to significantly improve your computer's security and reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim to ever increasingly sophisticated threats that lurk on the internet. These steps should take less than a couple of hours to complete and should not clean out your wallet.

1) Windows Update – the first crucial step you need to take to make sure that all your Microsoft applications have all the latest product updates installed. These updates or "patches" address security vulnerabilities and other issues. Microsoft usually issues these updates on a monthly cycle. Visit the Microsoft website or switch on automatic updates from the Windows Control panel. Even if your "new" computer is second hand this is still a critical first step. If you buy a used computer with Windows XP make sure Service Pack 2 or SP2 is installed.

2) Strong Passwords - people often overlook this but having well thought through passwords is an important element of your computer security. A strong password should include at least 8 characters with a mixture of text, symbols and numbers. As a minimum you need to make sure the services most at risk have a strong log-in password. These services include your bank, credit card, other financial services like PayPal, your email address and any other services like Ebay which hackers can use to generate profit. 
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Sparkle Announces GeForce GTX 460 1GB ''Sabrina Edition'' Graphics Card

SPARKLE Computer Co., Ltd., the professional VGA card manufacturer and supplier, today announced the SPARKLE GeForce GTX 460 Sabrina Edition, using the "Sabrina" who is the chief actress in the cognominal movie in the shaping of life and love with full of dreams as the prototype, providing the best Christmas gift for users.

Christmas is coming, a lot of people will buy their holiday gifts for relatives and friends with their blessing. For many people, will stay at home and watch a cozy movie with his family in Christmas eve to enjoy a memorable holiday. Of course, a high-definition graphics card is naturally essential for watching movies at home. Available on this Christmas season, the SPARKLE GeForce GTX 460 Sabrina Edition are essential for the ultimate Blu-ray movie experience on a Desktop PC or notebook computer.

The SPARKLE GeForce GTX 460 Sabrina Edition is designed from the ground up to deliver potent gaming performance at a new price point for mainstream users to enjoy the latest cutting-edge titles at full HD, 1080p resolutions and latest DirectX 11 games.The SPARKLE GeForce GTX460 Sabrina Edition expanding your real estate across 3 panels for the ultimate “inside the game” feeling. the SPARKLE GeForce GTX 460 Sabrina Edition provides the incredible graphics horsepower to run your game in 3D stereo, across 3 panels, at HD resolutions up to 5760x1080. The SPARKLE GeForce GTX 460 Sabrina Edition aslo supports gaming across three non-3D displays with resolutions up to 2560x1600,it's the best in Class 2D Surround Gaming.
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Thursday, 23 December 2010

Auzentech Announces Market Availability of X-Meridian 7.1 2G Sound Card

Auzentech, Inc., announced the immediate availability of the Auzen X-Meridian 7.1 2G, the second generation of the Auzen X-Meridian 7.1. The original Auzen X-Meridian 7.1 was a game-changing high-performance audio card which marked the dividing line between audio that sounds great, and audio that sounds perfect. It was the world's first custom-designed audio card based on C-Media CMI 8788 chipset, and received rave reviews for its audio quality. Now, the award winning Auzentech audio development team and chipset manufacturer C-Media have teamed up again.

With the X-Meridian 7.1 2G, Auzentech has taken what many consider the greatest sound card of all time and updated it with the best of today's technology, making the X-Meridian 7.1 2G more than simply the must-have PC Audio solution for audiophiles—it's a feast for the ears. Under the hood, the new X-Meridian 7.1 2G has been upgraded with new Advanced Driver Software Architecture (ADSA) for the C-Media CMI8788 Oxygen HD PCI Audio Processor. Features include Dolby Digital Live Real-Time Content Encoder, DTS CONNECT and Xear3D sound technology.
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Point of View Announces GeForce GTX 570 TGT Beast Edition Graphics Cards

Point of View the leading European manufacturer of an exclusive range NVIDIA based 3D processor boards, advanced netbooks as well as fancy 7” and 10” Tegra tablet computers and additional enthusiast PC products, announces today that it is first to market with a water cooled GeForce GTX 570 3D processor board, the POV/TGT GeForce GTX 570 “Beast”M featuring a solid 9mm slim-line AquaCopper water cooling block. The POV/TGT GeForce GTX 570 “Beast” already started shipping at a recommended retail price of €499 (TGT-570-A1-BST-W).

In addition, Point of View and TGT are offering a silently air-cooled solution running at identical frequencies priced at € 449. Hand-selected by TGT, the POV/TGT GeForce GTX 570 “Beast” is running at an unprecedented 841 MHz core clock “out of the box”, 1682 MHz shader clock and 3960 MHz DDR-5 memory clock honoring TGT’s efforts to optimize and balance both, enhanced core clock settings and rock solid stability.
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Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Razer Lachesis

Equipped with the revolutionary 5600dpi Razer Precision 3.5G Laser™ sensor, the Razer Lachesis™ gaming mouse returns in a fresh look and even more lethal precision and accuracy than ever. Its nine programmable Hyperesponse™ buttons, its 1000Hz Ultrapolling™ with 1ms response and the new customizable lighting make it a formidable weapon in your arsenal of destruction. Beat the snot out of your buddies and look cool doing it.
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Cara Memasang Jam di Blog

Walaupun sudah banyak para blogger yang mengetaui cara pasang jam ini tapi tidak begitu bagi blogger pemula yang baru memulai membuat blog tentu perlu tahapan dan bimbingan jadi gak ada salahnya untuk memasang aksesoris ini jika dirasa berguna  Layanan gratis aksesori jam sangat banyak, namun kali ini om hanya menjelaskan cara pasang jam menggunakan layanan gratis dan paling banyak digunakan
Langkah-langkah pasang jam di blogger sebagai berikut:
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Intel or AMD ???

Choosing a Processor

1. not easy to heat with continuous usage
2. durable components
3. many mainboard manufacturers and other components that suport for intel
4. mainboarnya price cheaper than AMD

1. compared to AMD, Intel's process of reading is less rapid, although not much less pronounced for
2. processor prices are strangling the neck, is essentially very expensive compared to AMD
3. development of very fast processor, so if want to follow, too heavy
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Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Gradually the front of Aging Impact Computers

Serious attention to the buddies who often sit in front of the computer clock flying high. This warning as a precaution, for the 'komputerator' conscious self is not too complacent to linger in front of the computer, because it can affect health. Exposure to computers with high frequency not only lead to eye disorders or bone, but also aging. Read more below, as well as pencegahanya tips to avoid or minimize their impact.
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Sunday, 19 December 2010

How to install Windows 7 with flash

Netbooks are usually not equipped with DVD drives. The situation is very difficult for us when they want to re-install windows if damaged. But there are several alternatives that can be taken to work around this. The trick is as follows:

1. Copy all installation files to your hard drive. This you can do if you are planning to make your Netbook dual boot or have two operating systems. For example Windows XP on Drive C and then Windows 7 in Drive D.
2. Using External DVD Drive
3. An alternative that could be an option is Install Windows 7 by using the flash.

The third alternative, it has been accommodated by Microsoft specifically for netbook owners who are not equipped with DVD drives. Following that need to be prepared:
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Saturday, 18 December 2010

Pigeon Love

No power I seek you
Where are you located?
Time did not seem to me
For those who want to harbor feelings

But I can not see you
Wherever I send my love dove
Hoping a reply from him

Over to the dark sky
Wherever this yourself waiting a long time
But my love dove
Never again

wetting myself
As if revealing
All my tears pulp
Waiting ...
And waited ....
Pigeon love
But the moon again
Illuminate the dark sky
Wherever who approached me
Suggest something

Now I know
Maybe ...
Not yet arrived when the arrival tuk
Pigeon love
Not yet arrived when the heart ni tuk anchored
But still it waited
She waited
Pigeon Love
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Sunday, 12 December 2010

Apa tujuan anda ngeblog ???

Mungkin itu pertanyaan yang perlu dijawab untuk mengevaluasi kegiatan blogging kita selama ini. Pada umumnya orang menjawab hanya sekedar hoby atau jawaban paling banyak adalah untuk mendapat uang. Ya, itulah jawaban rata-rata mungkin berbeda untuk Anda.

Meskipun berbeda dari kedua jawanban diatas, itu bukanlah masalah. Yang terpenting adalah menanyakan kepada kita. Apa niat kita blogging selama ini? Jawaban paling tepat menurut saya adalah untuk berbagi. Mengapa?Karena inilah niat yang paling kuat menjaga stamina dalam blogging. Anda tidak mempermasalahkan uang yang didapat dari blogging. Rata-rata blogger pemula yang diawali niat uang tidak mampu bertahan lama di kancah blogosphere. Mengapa? Karena jika setelah satu dua tiga bulan tidak mendapat uang yang diharapkan maka bisa dipastikan akan mundur dari kancah blogosphere atau disebut GAGAL.
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Friday, 10 December 2010

Cara Membuat Kursor Bertabur Bintang

Pada posting kali ini Top_x ingin membagi ilmu tentang bagaimana caranya membuat kursor yang bertabur bintang seperti yang ada di Blog Top_x. Baiklah langsung saja pada pokok pembahasan .
  • Login ke Blog anda.
  • Klik Rancangan
  • Klik Edit laman.
  • Tambahkan Gadget HTML/Java Script.
  • Kemudian copy paste script dibawah ini.
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Thursday, 9 December 2010

Daftar Istilah dalam Dunia Internet

Bagi kamu yang baru mengenal internet, tentunya banyak istilah-istilah yang kamu temui dan baca yang mungkin masih terdengar asing di telinga kalian. Nah, agar lebih memudahkan kalian belajar, berikut disajikan daftar istilah yang bakal sering kamu jumpai jika sedang berinternet-ria. Wajib kamu ketahui agar menjadi lebih paham dan tidak ketinggalan info tentang seputar dunia internet. Apalagi bagi kalian yang ingin memperdalam ilmu di bidang yang satu ini dan ingin terjun didalamnya. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi kalian semua. Silakan disimak.
ADN (Advanced Digital Network) - Biasanya merujuk kepada saluran leased line berkecepatan 56Kbps.
ADSL (Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line) - Sebuah tipe DSL dimana upstream dan downstream berjalan pada kecepatan yang berbeda. Dalam hal ini, downstream biasanya lebih tinggi. Konfigurasi yang umum memungkinkan downstream hingga 1,544 mbps (megabit per detik) dan 128 kbps (kilobit per detik) untuk upstream. Secara teori, ASDL dapat melayani kecepatan hingga 9 mbps untuk downstream dan 540 kbps untuk upstream.
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Tips agar Flash Disk Tahan Lama

Saat ini terdapat banyak media penyimpan data eksternal yang memiliki ragam bentuk dan ukuran data seperti memory chip, hardisk eksternal dan flashdisk tentunya. Namun untuk alasan praktis, rupanya flashdisk masih menjadi pilihan bagi kebanyakan orang walaupun sekarang sudah banyak bermunculan hardisk eksternal berbagai macam merk dan jelas-jelas memiliki ruang penyimpanan data yang jauh lebih besar dibandingkan flashdisk. Hal ini dikarenakan bentuknya yang kecil sehingga mudah dibawa serta penyimpanan, seperti dapat diselipkan pada saku misalnya.

Tentunya selain memiliki kelebihan seperti telah disebutkan tadi, flash disk ternyata bisa menjadi rentan mengalami kerusakan apabila pemakai kurang memahami sifat dari flashdisk dan kebiasaan dalam penggunaan ditambah lagi hal lain yang dapat mempengaruhi usia flashdisk tersebut.
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Cara Membuat Title Berjalan

Untuk kesempatan kali ini Top_x akan memposting bagaimana caranya membuat title berjalan seperti yang ada di Blog Top_x. Dari pengalaman saya sendiri, saya pernah mencoba tutorial ini dari blog lain namun sering kali gagal. Pada akhirnya saya menemukan caranya juga Alhamdullilah .... Baik langsung saja pada pokok pembahasan.

1. Login ke Blogger anda
2. Masuk ke Rancangan kemudian ke Edit HTML
3. Cari kode seperti dibawah ini :
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Cara Praktis Belajar Komputer dan Internet

Fungsi Menu "Help" yang (Kerap) Terabaikan oleh Para Pengguna Komputer

Saat kamu memulai belajar suatu program atau berinternet ria (semua program apapun), ketahuilah bahwa suatu program diciptakan agar mudah diaplikasikan dan dioperasikan bagi semua orang. Kamu tidak perlu takut untuk memulai belajar komputer dari nol. Mengapa? Karena pasti setiap program aplikasi, apapun itu, telah dilengkapi dengan tata cara dan petunjuk dyang disertakan didalamnya dan semua itu "tersembunyi" dalam menu "Help".

Semua program telah dilengkapi dengan menu "Help" dan yang terletak di kanan atas menu Toolbar. Jadi apa lagi? Bila kamu kesulitan, cukup buka menu "Help". Memang banyak orang yang tidak menyadari (sebenarnya paham tahu dan paham betul bahwa Help disini berarti bantuan), tetapi amat jarang orang memanfaatkan secara optimal. Padahal disitu telah dituliskan semua hal tentang tata cara atau petunjuk pengoperasian mulai A hingga Z.
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Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Tips Merawat Laptop Yang Tepat

Semakin berkembangnya teknologi maka berdampak pada semakin murahnya harga laptop sehingga membuat semakin banyaknya user/pengguna laptop. Ada hal yang kurang diperhatikan oleh user laptop dalam perawatannya cenderung mengabaikan hal-hal yang menyebabkan kerusakan laptop. Padahal betapa menyesalnya kita saat laptop yang kita sayangi tiba-tiba rusak karena hal sepele,belum lagi banyak data penting yang mesti di edit atau report. Ada baiknya kita perhatikan/beri perawatan yang lebih baik untuk laptop kita,bukankah tak ada laptop kita jadi kewalahan menyelesaikan kerjaan kita?
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